Implementing a Retrieve Salt engine

Create a new Retrieve Salt engine at src/engines/auth/salt/retrieve/index.js. In it, we need to use the Elasticsearch client's search method to find the user's document by email, extract the digest from the document, and then extract the salt from the digest:

const NO_RESULTS_ERROR_MESSAGE = 'no-results';function retrieveSalt(req, db, getSalt) {  if (! {    return Promise.reject(new Error('Email not specified'));  }  return{    index: process.env.ELASTICSEARCH_INDEX,    type: 'user',    body: {      query: {        match: {          email:,        },      },    },    _sourceInclude: 'digest',  }).then((res) => {    const user = res.hits.hits[0];    return user      ? user._source.digest : Promise.reject(new Error(NO_RESULTS_ERROR_MESSAGE)); ...

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