Network port mapping

Every container is accessible through its own IP address. For instance, we can find the IP address of our elasticsearch-oss container by running docker inspect, and looking under NetworkSettings.IPAddress:

$ docker inspect a415f4b646e3[    {        "Id": "a415f4b646e3a71...81b9b7f6dcaf76b",        "Created": "2018-05-10T19:37:55.565685206Z",        "Image": "sha256:3822ba554fe9...adf11f6a59bde0139",        "Name": "/elasticsearch",        "Driver": "overlay2",        "NetworkSettings": {            "Ports": {                "9200/tcp": [{                    "HostIp": "",                    "HostPort": "9200"                }],                "9300/tcp": [{                    "HostIp": "",                    "HostPort": "9300"                }]            },            "Gateway": "",            "IPAddress": "",            ...        }        ...    }]

You can also use the --format or -f flag to retrieve only the field you are interested ...

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