Configuring Git

We can configure Git using the git config command. This command will manipulate the .git/config file on our behalf. In fact, if we print the content of the .git/config file, you'll see that it is similar to the output of the git config command:

$ cd ~/projects/hobnob/$ cat .git/config[core]    repositoryformatversion = 0    filemode = true    bare = false    logallrefupdates = true$ git config --list --localcore.repositoryformatversion=0core.filemode=truecore.bare=falsecore.logallrefupdates=true
Feel free to examine the .git directory using a tool such as tree. First, install tree by running sudo apt install tree. Then, run tree ~/projects/hobnob/.git.

To configure Git, we must first understand that there are three scopes, or levels, ...

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