Example claim

For example, if our server wishes to grant a user with the email e@ma.il permission to delete its own profile for one day (25 October 2017), then we may issue a JWT with a payload that looks like this:

{  "jti": "a8f0c4e8e",  "iss": "hobnob.social",  "sub": "e@ma.il",  "nbf": 1508886000,  "exp": 1508972400,  "iat": 1508274036,  "social.hobnob.permissions": {    "profile": {      "delete": ["e@ma.il"]    }  }}
The iss, sub, and aud claims must be of type StringOrURI. This means that they can be any arbitrary string, but if they include a colon (:), they must be a valid URI.

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