Handling events

Inside a class method, this refers to the React element (which is an instance of this Input React component type). Therefore, we can define a method called validate that will validate the user input and update the state:

<script type="text/babel">  const validator = {    email: (email) => /\S+@\S+\.\S+/.test(email),    password: (password) => password.length > 11 && password.length < 48  }  class Input extends React.Component {    constructor() { ... }    validate = (event) => {      const value = event.target.value;      const valid = validator[this.props.type](value);      this.setState({ value, valid });    }    render() {      return <label>{this.props.label}<input type={this.props.type}  onChange={this.validate} /></label>    }  }  ...</script>

The validate method ...

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