Running our tests

Finally, we are able to run our tests! Add the cucumber-js command just prior to the kill command:

npx cucumber-js spec/cucumber/features --require-module @babel/register --require spec/cucumber/steps


Your final scripts/ script should look like this (comments removed):

#!/usr/bin/env bashif ss -lnt | grep -q :$SERVER_PORT; then  echo "Another process is already listening to port $SERVER_PORT"  exit 1;fiRETRY_INTERVAL=${RETRY_INTERVAL:-0.2}if ! systemctl is-active --quiet elasticsearch.service; then  sudo systemctl start elasticsearch.service  until curl --silent $ELASTICSEARCH_HOSTNAME:$ELASTICSEARCH_PORT -w "" -o /dev/null; do    sleep $RETRY_INTERVAL  donefiyarn run serve &until ss -lnt | grep -q :$SERVER_PORT; do ...

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