© Changyi Gu 2016

Changyi Gu, Building Embedded Systems, 10.1007/978-1-4842-1919-5_14

14. Work Flow

Changyi Gu

(1)San Diego, California, USA

One way to identify an amateur organization of any sort, be they accountants, lawyers, craft shops, or software developers, is a lack of process.

—Jack Ganssle, Embedded Systems Design (September, 2003)

There is more than one way to design an embedded system, and there are more than 100 ways to design a system that has defects. For any engineering work, having a process in place is a sound way to ensure consistency and reliability.

However, process is often deeply tied to the business nature of the company, and probably no two are exactly the same. For embedded system design, this chapter only serves to paint ...

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