

AAE (Average Absolute Error)  227, 250

activation functions 189–195

Actual by Predicted Plot 67

Adaptive option 276

Advanced Controls 276

advanced methods

about 256

bagging 256–257

boosting 217, 257–258

concepts in 256–259

exercises 285–287

Generalized Regression models 273–285

partition 259–273

regularization 258–259

Akaike's Information Criterion (AICc)  72


for decision trees 134

for logistic regression 103–105

for multiple linear regression 59–61

for neural networks 188–195

Alternate Cut-off Confusion Matrix Add-In 304

Analysis of Variance table 68


about 4–5

data mining and 7

Analytics Job Task Analysis 12

Analyze menu 27

Annotate tool 76

area under the curve (AUC)  164

Average Absolute Error (AAE)  227, 250

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