
Note: Page numbers followed by f indicate figures.


The Art of Deception 63
Awareness program, security 
announcements 117
budget 134, 138
campaigns 40
consistent program 141
contests and prizes 116–117
cost savings 135
deployment 122
e-mail signature 147
enforcement 4–5
experience 137–138
forensics and security 141
HIPAA Security Rule 18
homemade video campaign 86–87
learning and teaching styles 127, 134, 139
vs. metrics  See (Metrics)
planned program 141
political obstacles 127, 134, 139
polygraph examiner 148
posters 87, 147
quarterly training 90
receptionists 34
RSA breach 1–2
security researcher 125–126
social engineering and nontechnical attacks 126
training cycle 127, 134, 139


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