
Absolute returns

Acceptance tests

event timing
visual checks


Adaptive moving average (AMA)

Advanced VaR models

conditional autoregressive value-at-risk (CAViaR)
Extreme Value Theory (EVT)
Hull-White VaR
hybrid historical simulation VaR

Aggregation of VaR

The Alchemy of Finance (Soros)

Algo trading

Alternative hypothesis

Analytical tools for VaR

Animal spirits

Arrow of time

Asian currency crisis (1997-1998)

Asset & liability management (ALM)

Asset allocation

Asset bubbles

Asset liquidity risk

Asset-specific risk

Asynchronous data

At-the-money (ATM)

Augmented Dickey-Fuller (ADF(q)) stationarity test

Austrian Nationalbank (OeNB)


autocorrelation function (ACF)
in time scaling computation

Autoregressive Conditional Heteroscedasticity (ARCH) model

Autoregressive processes (AR(p))

Back testing

and buVaR
and credit buVaR
and data integrity
distortion of results
frequency back test
and whole distribution test

Bad loans

Bank for International Settlements (BIS)

Bank of England (BOE)

Bank of Japan (BoJ)

Banking book

Basel Committee of Banking Supervision (Basel)

Basel 2.5
Basel Accord (Basel I)
Basel II
Basel III
Basel Rules
role of
traffic light approach
VaR approach, adoption of

Basic assumptions of VaR, theoretical problems with

coherence and expected shortfall
constant versus stochastic volatility and production of fat tails
i.i.d. assumption. See also Independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.) ...

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