Welcome to the third edition of Brilliant Manager. A quarter of
the second edition was new material, and again for this third
edition a quarter of the book is new. The second edition con-
tained a replacement chapter called Brilliant business tips; a new
chapter called Management master-class; and a substantial rewrite
of the chapter on Organising your team. For this third edition all
the material on leadership is new. Chapter 2, called Leadership,
has been totally rewritten. I now believe that too much is made
of leadership styles and that most brilliant leaders use the same
core techniques. The leadership chapter now describes these
techniques, which if applied will make you a great leader. One
of the attributes of a brilliant leader is to have a credible vision,
strategy and plans for the future of the team and its offerings.
The new Chapter 3, Visions, strategies and plans, describes how to
create such visions, strategies and plans.
Although this new edition contains a lot of new material, the
basic principles of management I described in the first edition
remain unchanged. I believe there is a very clear distinction
between good and bad management. The fact that we all laugh
at Dilbert means that we all have the same idea about what
bad management is. Perhaps more surprisingly, anybody lucky
enough to work for a brilliant manager will probably find that
all the rest of the team have an equally good opinion of their
boss. Generally, it’s easy to see good and bad management in
other people. However, it’s far less easy to see it in yourself, and
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xii Introduction
harder still to know what it is that you need to change to become
a brilliant manager.
What is it that brilliant managers know, do and say that makes
them so good at their jobs? If you want to know . . . read on. The
good news is that most brilliant managers use a very similar set
of core techniques this book will show you what they are, and
how to adopt them for yourself.
Brilliant Manager is for anyone who is a frontline manager,
dealing directly with staff, customers, senior management and
the like. This book distils the hard-won experience of the best
managers and sets it down as practical things you need to know,
do and say.
The sections covered are:
Managing people Very few managers receive training in
managing difficult staff issues. Making the wrong decision
could cause someone real pain. This thought should scare you.
How do you make sure you handle every situation the right
Leadership You are not just a manager: your team is looking
to you for direction, inspiration, and to confront tough
problems and you thought managing people was scary! What
techniques do brilliant leaders use?
Visions, strategies and plans – A great leader knows where the
team and its offerings are going. How do you create brilliant
visions, strategies and plans?
Culture Some teams have great team spirit and obviously
share the same values and aspirations. How do you foster a
strong team culture?
Managing different types of people – Different professions
(lawyers, IT staff, sales people, consultants) all bring their own
problems, as do creative staff and support staff. How do you
best manage these different types of people?
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