8 brilliant influence
Sharing ideas, donating your time, and not quibbling about
details of who owes what to whom, are all indicators of gener-
osity: they say, “here is someone of substance”.
To build your influence, look for opportunities to be generous.
Try thinking about your current colleagues and business con-
tacts, and make a list of all of them down the left-hand side of
a sheet of paper. Against each name, note down one generous
thing you could do for that person in the next month.
When you make a commitment, see that you honour it. If you
are unsure whether you will be able to, it is far better to not make
the commitment in the first place. This way, you will get a repu-
tation as someone who can be trusted and relied upon, which
is important, because people will be attracted to you when your
actions accord with your words.
Keep a list of the commitments you make in your notebook, diary
or organiser. Make sure you record the deadlines too, and schedule
time to act on each undertaking. Best of all, if you use an electronic
organiser, set a reminder.
The attitude you portray to the world says something important
about who you really are. Your attitude will affect my behav-
iour and my attitude. Brilliant attitudes are self-reinforcing, as
are negative attitudes. Three brilliant attitudes are: flexibility,
persistence and optimism. Together, they will make you more
resilient and able to cope with adversity, to take setbacks as
Use your common sense: the basics of influence 9
challenges, and to keep going when
you’d really rather curl up some-
where cosy. Resilience is influential
because it shows that you can stick
with what you believe, and it dem-
onstrates confidence and mental
toughness. These are attractive character traits that we associate
with influential people.
If two people are in the same situation and they want the same
thing, then the one who is more flexible in their behaviour will
get what they want; and the one who is more flexible in how they
deal with the other will feel that they are in control. When we are
willing to try different approaches, we often achieve our goals.
Do you remember a time when you tried to influence somebody
and it was just not working? What did you do? If you ultimately
failed, it is probably because you stuck to one or two ways
of influencing them. If you succeeded, it may well have been
because you switched tactics until you got the result you wanted.
If at first you don’t succeed; try something different!
Persistence although not to the point of futility – is an attractive
attitude that also helps you to reach your goal. If you find someone
is resistant to an offer or a request, then keep asking, but look for
different ways to do so. People tend to agree to things after you have
asked several times. Once or twice may not be enough; you may
need to ask six or seven times. As long as you stay polite and are
prepared to respect a clear request to stop, you have nothing to lose.
When have you recently tried to influence a situation and,
looking back, you can see that you may have given in too soon?
Maybe you still have a chance to go back and try again.
three brilliant attitudes
are: flexibility,
persistence and

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