
absenteeism, 140

activities for building community, 125–126

adaptation, 51, 104, 106, 108, 109

after-action reviews (AARs), 74

ahistorical operation, 93

Alameddine, Moe, 146

Alofs, Paul, 108

animal testing, 34, 36–37

An Inconvenient Truth (Gore), 80–81

anthropological dives, 73–74, 82

AOL, 77, 104

Apple, 34, 35, 81

appreciations before meetings, 74

Aristotle, 19

Arm & Hammer, 82

Arthur Andersen, 4

Ashoka, 166

aspirational values, 63

benefits of, 139–142

bridging personal and organizational growth, 147–148

bridging the values gap with, 138, 141–153

conversation starters for, 155

“do good, do better,” 142–147

for infusing meaning, 154

meaningful aspirations, 139

reinspiring aspiration and purpose, 148–153

role in values through conversation ...

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