
There are a few people whose support made Breaking Banks and the ongoing disruption possible. First, thanks to Rachel Morrissey, who keeps me sane and keeps everything going, and to Randall and the team at Voice America for giving me the opportunity to run the Radio Show that led to this idea in the first place. Second, thanks to the amazing participants and interviewees who gave their time and support for the book, all of whom were very patient through rounds of edits and other unintended consequences.

Thanks to the team and supporters of Moven, who continue to give their incredible support in this tough, but amazing journey; to the tribe of bloggers, friends, and supporters who regularly tune in each week to my show, tweet, and amplify the message, including Sudu, Jim Marous, Dave Birch, Brad Leimer, Dave Gerbino, Serge Milman, Robert Tercek, Bruce Burke, Duena Blomstrom, Mike King (no relation), and cover artwork designer J. P. Nicols (no h), Ron Shevlin, Deva Annamalai, Jeff Stewart, Matt Dooley, John Owens, Bryan Clagett, Jason Cobb, Adam Edge, Jenni Palocsik, Matt West, Jay Rob, Lydia, and the crowd of other followers whom I’m sure I’ve missed; and to Uday Goyal, Sean Park, Sim, Pascale, Naoshir, Nadeem, Yann, and the team at Anthemis, who never cease to amaze me with their network and support.

Thanks to Nick Wallwork, Jeremy Chia, and the team at John Wiley & Sons for their support.

Thanks to Jay Kemp, Tanja Markovic, Jules, and the team at ODE, who support ...

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