Brand Alliance

WHAT'S BETTER THAN WORKING HARD to promote your brand and making sales as a result? Having other people promote your brand and making sales. Having affiliates who promote your product or service to their own audience and community is one of the quickest ways to grow your brand and business.

Most people are aware of what an affiliate is, but just in case you don’t, an affiliate is simply someone who promotes your products or services in exchange for a commission. They share the same audience as you but offer that audience something different. For example, someone who shares my audience of entrepreneurs and business owners but teaches them time management skills, rather than branding, would make a good affiliate.

Aligning yourself and partnering with other people of influence is a great strategy for your brand. If you sell sports hats, wouldn't it make sense to have people who sell shirts or jerseys of sports to be an affiliate of yours? Of course it would.

So how do you get affiliates and motivate them to promote you? It's actually easier than you think.

Affiliates aren't that much different than your customers. You have to build a relationship with them first and foremost. Second, you have to let them know what's in it for them. Sure you're paying them a commission, but there's more to it than that. They also want to know that their audience will benefit from your product or service and know that their audience will appreciate that they informed them of your ...

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