Chapter 22


Marketing spending is under the corporate microscope in the current economic climate. Marketers must demonstrate the return (often measured in sales) delivered by marketing programs.

So how do you track results from Advocate marketing programs? And how can you measure the value on these programs?

Using NPS to Track Advocacy

Net Promoter Score (NPS) is an excellent way to measure customers' likelihood to recommend for your company, brand, or products.

By tracking NPS, you can see whether your customer's likelihood to recommend is increasing or decreasing. If your NPS is going down, this can alert you to changes you need to make to improve customer experiences.

You can also compare your NPS to other companies in your industry and/or vertical and with industry benchmarks. A number of market research firms, including Satmetrix Systems, can provide this data to you.

Where NPS Falls Short

NPS is very useful for measuring and tracking customers' likelihood to recommend overall. However, as an advocacy metric, NPS falls short in three key ways:

1. It measures “likelihood to recommend,” not actual recommendation behavior.
2. It doesn't provide detailed data and insights about your Advocates.
3. It doesn't tell you how well your Advocate marketing programs and campaigns are performing.

Introducing Advocate Analytics

Advocate Analytics are Advocate marketing's version of Google Analytics.

Google Analytics provide detailed stats about visitors to your website. Advocate ...

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