Controlling joints with motors

Some joints, such as the revolute joint feature motors, which in this case can be used to rotate the joint at a given speed unless a given maximum torque is exceeded.

Learning motors will allow you to develop every kind of car/truck game you see on the Web.

  1. To create the truck, we need to apply a motor on the rightmost cart, so in the addCart function we are adding an argument to tell us whether it should have a motor or not. Change the Main function to specify that frontCart will have a motor while rearCart won't:
    public function Main() {
      world=new b2World(new b2Vec2(0,5),true);
      var frontCart:b2Body=addCart(200,430,true);
      var rearCart:b2Body=addCart(100,430,false); var dJoint:b2DistanceJointDef=new ...

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