Applying an impulse to get a linear velocity

Now, given two sleeping spheres with the same mass and a force to apply, if SetLinearVelocity sets the velocity despite the mass and ApplyImpulse is affected by the mass, what if we apply to ApplyImpulse a force which is "mass" times the force applied to SetLinearVelocity, changing the Main function in the following way:

public function Main() {
  world=new b2World(new b2Vec2(0,10),true);
  sphereVector=new Vector.<b2Body>();
  for (var i:int=0; i<3; i++) {
  var force:b2Vec2=new b2Vec2(0,-15);
  var forceByMass:b2Vec2=force.Copy();
  forceByMass.Multiply(sphereVector[1].GetMass()); var sphereCenter:b2Vec2=sphereVector[0].GetWorldCenter(); sphereVector[0].ApplyForce(force,sphereCenter); ...

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