Transaction Processing

ADO supports transaction processing, and this is handled through the TADOConnection component. As an example, the code in Listing 9.3 is taken from our simple order entry application.

Listing 9.3. Transaction Processing with TADOConnection
procedure TMainForm.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin if TNewOrderForm.Execute then begin ADOConnection1.BeginTrans; try // First Create an Orders Record adodsOrders.Insert; adodsOrders.FieldByName('CustNo').Value := adodsCustomer.FieldByName('CustNo').Value; adodsOrders.FieldByName('EmpNo').Value := adodsEmployee.FieldByName('EmpNo').Value; adodsOrders.FieldByName('Date').Value := Date; ShowMessage(IntToStr(adodsOrders.FieldByName('OrderNo').AsInteger)); adodsOrders.Post; // Now ...

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