How to do it...

  1. In workspace/app/index.ejs, at the bottom of the file, let's comment out the EJS code. The current code looks like this:
      <%- partial("partial/_defaultGrid") %>

We will comment it out by replacing the third character from - to #:

      <%# partial("partial/_defaultGrid") %>

If you save your index.ejs file now (and if the harp server command is running), when you refresh your Cloud9 users page, the grid that is called by the _defaultGrid partial will be gone.

  1. Add another line to index.ejs, and reference another include:
      <%- partial("partial/_chapter2-5-html") %>
  1. In main-02-05.scss, add the following code:
      // Recipe 2-5      $enable-rounded: false;      $white: whitesmoke;      $border-width: 1px;      $font-size-base: 1rem; @import "./bower_components/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss"; ...

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