How to do it…

  1. Include animate.css inside the head tag in app/_layout.ejs:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="//">
  1. In app/recipe06-10.ejs, add the following code in between the HTML body tags:
<!--Call your modal--><a id="demo01" href="#animatedModal">DEMO01</a><!--DEMO01--><div id="animatedModal"> <!--THIS IS IMPORTANT! to close the modal, the class name has to   match the name given on the ID class="close-animatedModal" --> <div class="close-animatedModal">  CLOSE MODAL </div>  <div class="modal-content"> <!--Your modal content goes here--> </div></div>
  1. Add the address of the raw animatedModal.js file from the plugin's GitHub repository into the input field. Copy ...

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