How it works...

In step 1, we installed the Angular CLI. In step 2, upon running the ng new recipe2 command, we could see the following logging in our console:

installing ng  create .editorconfig  create  create src\app\app.component.css  create src\app\app.component.html  create src\app\app.component.spec.ts  create src\app\app.component.ts  create src\app\app.module.ts  create src\assets\.gitkeep  create src\environments\  create src\environments\environment.ts  create src\favicon.ico  create src\index.html  create src\main.ts  create src\polyfills.ts  create src\styles.css  create src\test.ts  create src\  create src\tsconfig.spec.json  create src\typings.d.ts  create .angular-cli.json create e2e\app.e2e-spec.ts ...

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