Praise for Bookkeeping Essentials: How to Succeed as a Bookkeeper

“Finally! Steven Bragg has provided the bookkeeping world with exactly what has been lacking. Bookkeeping Essentials strikes the perfect balance between training guide and handy resource, and therefore it is a must-have for all small businesses, whether start-up or established.”

—Kevin Harris, President of QuickSolvers, Inc., a small business accounting services company

“I am often asked by clients for an easy-to-understand reference book for their bookkeepers to use. Steven Bragg has written that book. People have questions they seek an answer for and this book has those questions with clear, concise, and understandable answers.”

—Joel M. Ungar, CPA, CFE, Silberstein Ungar, PLLC

“Providing both the novice and entry-level bookkeeper with solid, actionable understanding, Steve Bragg has authored a clear and concise guide for anyone entering this field. I would recommend this book as the perfect reference for everyone entering, or even into their career as a bookkeeper. My staff will each be getting their own copies.”

—Kenneth A. Koch, CEO, Business Resource Management, Inc.

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