Laying Out Your Navigation Menu and Sidebars

In This Chapter

arrow Creating a navigation menu

arrow Making your navigation menu easy to use

arrow Deciding what to include in your sidebar

arrow Incorporating visual elements into your sidebar

arrow Avoiding sidebar elements that distract blog visitors

Your navigation menu and your sidebar play a key role in your blog design. They’re all about helping your blog visitors navigate somewhere or inviting them to take action — say, visit a social media profile, subscribe to your blog, and then go to an archive page showing your posts in a certain category. The lists goes on.

So although the how-to parts of this chapter pertain to WordPress, this chapter ultimately covers making smart decisions regarding your navigation menu and sidebar. And that applies to every blog, no matter what the platform. In this chapter, I cover how to decide what tabs to put in your navigation menu and what can go in your sidebar. Additionally, I explain how to incorporate your blog design ...

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