Chapter 19

Ten Top Blockchain Projects


check Diving into novel blockchain initiates

check Discovering global blockchain implementations

New blockchain startups are emerging every day. Entrepreneurs have seen opportunities to capitalize on the very powerful tools blockchains offer to move money faster, secure computer systems, and build digital identities.

In this chapter, I introduce you to some of my favorite projects and companies. After reading this chapter, you’ll have an idea of some of the amazing things happening within the blockchain software space. You may even get some ideas about what you could do yourself!

The R3 Consortium

Many banks have invested in building blockchain prototypes — many for Know Your Customer (KYC) requirements for anti-money laundering and prototypes for reducing the cost of exchanging money. They have to overcome several challenges, including the security of private information and the regulatory gray zone of cryptocurrencies.

R3 ( is an innovative company that has built a consortium with more than 75 of the world’s leading financial institutions to integrate and take advantage of new blockchain technology. R3 is improving cross-border exchange, lowering the cost of auditing, and improving the speed of interbank fund transfer ...

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