What You'll Find on the DVD

The following list is arranged by category and provides a summary of the software and other goodies you'll find on the DVD. If you need help with installing the items provided on the DVD, refer to the installation instructions in the preceding section.

For each program listed, I provide the program platform (Linux, Windows, or Mac). All programs on this DVD are GNU software, meaning the software is governed by its own license, which is included inside the folder of GNU software on the disc. There are no restrictions on distribution of GNU software other than the fact that source code must be made available. I provide links to the Web site of each piece of GNU software if you're interested in getting the source code.

  • Author-created material: For all operating systems. All the examples provided in this book are located in the Author directory on the DVD and work on any machine that can run Blender. I used these .blend files to create many of the figures in this book. For a few chapters, I also include video tutorials that you can use as aids while you work. To play back the tutorials, I recommend you use VLC, also included on the DVD. The structure of the examples directory is
  • Blender: GNU software. For Linux, Windows, and Mac OS. You can't have a DVD accompanying a book on Blender without including a copy of Blender itself. That would just be crazy! On the DVD is a copy of the latest official release of Blender (as ...

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