Compositing the scene

Our scene is almost ready, but we will give it a final touch in compositing to make it really stand out.

Getting ready

Let's change the mode of the node editor to Compositing and check the Use Nodes option in the lower part of the screen.

How to do it…

  1. Add a Glare node (Add | Filters) and connect the Image output from the Render Layer node to it. Leave the mode to Streaks and set the quality to High. Change the Iterations to 5.000 and the Color Modulation to 0.500. Also change the Mix value to 1.000 and the Threshold value to 3.100. Finally, set the Streaks value to 2.000 and the Fade value to 0.970.
  2. Duplicate the Glare node and change the mode to Fog Glow. Change the Threshold value to 1.000 and the Size to 9.000.
  3. Mix the two ...

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