Creating materials for the plant in the scene

In this recipe, we will have our first brief contact with organic materials, which is a really challenging topic in computer graphics. We will go more in depth on this in the last chapters of the book, but this will be a good introduction.

Getting ready

It is time to create the material for the plant in our scene. To start, let's select the object named Plant and add a material to it. Name the material Leaf01 and go to the materials' node editor.

How to do it…

To create the plant materials, follow these steps:

  1. Add a Glossy BSDF and Mix Shader node. Set the Glossy roughness to 0.080 and change the algorithm from Beckmann to GGX.
  2. Mix the default Diffuse BSDF and the Glossy BSDF with the Mix Shader node. Put ...

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