• Infrared Digital Photography

  • Lensbaby

  • Black and White by Your Side

  • Strobes

  • Tripods

Besides using a standard dSLR camera, there are many ways to capture interesting and fun black-and-white images. Using some of the tools discussed in this chapter can help you make images that are impossible to create any other way.


An infrared (IR) black-and-white image has an entirely different look than any other type of black-and-white photography. Skies become stark black, foliage has an ethereal glow, and faces become nearly translucent. It is not for everyone or for every situation, but it can create amazing images that grab the viewer's attention.

IR light is not visible; the wavelengths captured are just outside of the visible spectrum of light, opposite ultraviolet light. So in order to create IR images, you need to have special equipment.


One method is to use a filter that eliminates visible light coming into the camera and only lets in IR light. There are a number of IR filters you can use, including gel filters. These are very thin pieces of optically pure plastic. They are relatively inexpensive and can be placed in front of the lens using filter holders that are threaded onto the front of the lens. Gel filters can also be cut — carefully — and placed in front of the lens of a compact camera.

Another good option is the Hoya R72 filter. ...

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