

Chapter 1. Bistatic Synthetic Aperture Radar (BSAR) Survey

1.1. Introduction and main definitions

1.2. Passive space-surface bistatic and multistatic SAR

1.3. Forward scattering radars

1.4. A moving target problem as an inversion problem in multistatic SAR

1.5. BSAR models, imaging, methods and algorithms

Chapter 2. BSAR Geometry

2.1. BGISAR geometry and kinematics

2.2. Multistatic BSAR geometry and kinematics

2.3. BFISAR geometry and kinematics

Chapter 3. BSAR Waveforms and Signal Models

3.1. Short pulse waveform and the BSAR signal model

3.2. LFM pulse waveform

3.3. CW LFM waveform and modeling of deterministic components of BSAR signal

3.4. Phase code modulated pulse waveforms

Chapter 4. BSAR Image Reconstruction Algorithms

4.1. Image reconstruction from a short pulse BSAR signal

4.2. LFM BSAR image reconstruction algorithm

4.3. PCM BSAR image reconstruction algorithm

4.4. Autofocus algorithm with entropy minimization

4.5. Experiment with the multistatic SAR LFM image reconstruction algorithm

Chapter 5. Analytical Geometrical Determination of BSAR Resolution

5.1. Generalized BSAR range and Doppler resolution

5.2. Along-track range resolution

5.3. Range resolution along a target-receiver line of sight

Chapter 6. BSAR Experimental Results

6.1. Example 1: BFISAR with short-pulse waveform

6.2. Example 2: BFISAR with pulse LFM waveform

6.3. Example 3: asymmetric geometry of BFISAR with pulse LFM waveform

6.4. Example 4: BGISAR with Barker PCM waveform

6.5. ...

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