How to do it…

  1. We start with a few imports, most notably of scikit-learn:
import gzipimport pickleimport numpy as npimport graphvizfrom sklearn import tree
  1. Let's load the data and split it into inputs and outputs:
balanced_fit = np.load('balanced_fit.npy.gz', 'rb'))ordered_features = pickle.load(open('ordered_features', 'rb'))train_X = balanced_fit[:,:-2]  #POS and errorstrain_Y = balanced_fit[:,-1]
  1. We call the decision tree algorithm:
estimator = tree.DecisionTreeClassifier(max_depth=4)tree_fit =, train_Y)print(tree_fit.feature_importances_)

We also print the feature_importances_, which is suggesting that QUAL is the most important.

  1. Let's draw a tree:
graphviz_representation = tree.export_graphviz(tree_fit, ...

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