
Note: Figures and Tables are denoted by italic page numbers

3D-QSAR techniques 2367

see also quantitative structure activity relationships

AA-QSPR database 126

AAindex 187, 194

ABC transporters 103

ABCpred method 171, 211

accessibility scale(s), in epitope prediction 211

accuracy of epitope prediction, assessing 199202

acellular vaccines 51, 81, 273

acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) 62, 63

active immunity 80, 86

adaptive immunity 86, 889

adhesins 273

adjuvants 83, 274

innate immunity and 2456

virtual screening and 2445, 2468

ADMET screens 247

affinity measures 1757

Africa, variolation used in 6, 15

al-Razi, Abu Bakr Muhammad ibn-Zakariyya 23

allele(s) 96

nomenclature 978

allergen databases 150, 1634

allergen prediction servers 171

alloreactivity 2356

alphabets, amino acid sequences in terms of 130, 133

alternative splicing 181

alum-based adjuvants 245

amino acids 12435

charge(s) 135

chemical structure 125

chirality 1279

classification 134

codons encoding 126, 131

as components of peptides and proteins 121, 122, 124, 126

databases 1267

functions 127

hydrogen bonding and 1356

newly discovered 132

nomenclature 1304

pKa values 141, 142

properties 131, 1348, 1416, 187, 1945

preference values 143

z scales 194, 195

representation in peptides 187

size(MW) 131, 135

ampholytes 1378

Amyand, Claude 13, 14

analysis, compared with prediction 278

anergy 94

annotation of databases 1523

anthrax reservoirs 57

vaccine 31, 41

antibiotic-resistance bacteria 61, ...

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