


1 Bleeding time 1–7 minutes (Ivy method)
2 Clot retraction Starts in 1–3 hours Completes in 6–24 hours No clot lysis in 24 hours
3 Prothrombin time 11–14.5 seconds
4 Partial thromboplastin time Activated, 25–37seconds
5 Cellular measurement of red cells Average diameter = 7.3µm
    Mean corpuscular volume (MCV): Men = 80–94fL, Women = 81–99fL
    Mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH) = 27–32 Pg
    Mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC) = 32–36%
6 Fragility of red cells Starts at 0.45–0.38% Nacl
    Completes at 0.36–0.3% Nacl
7 Reticulocytes 0.2–2% of red cells
8 Hemoglobin (in blood) Men = 14–18 gms/dL
    Women = 12–16 gms/dL
9 Hemoglobin (in serum) 2–3 mg/dL ...

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