
Bernard Marr is the founder and CEO of the Advanced Performance Institute, an organization that specializes in improving business performance and decision making through the use of data.

Bernard is a best-selling business author, keynote speaker and consultant in big data, analytics and enterprise performance. He is one of the world’s most highly respected voices anywhere when it comes to data in business. His leading-edge work with major companies, organizations and governments across the globe makes him a globally acclaimed and award-winning researcher, consultant and teacher.

Bernard is a regular contributor to the World Economic Forum, is acknowledged by the CEO Journal as one of today’s leading business brains and by LinkedIn as one of the World’s top-five business Influencers of 2015.

His articles and expert comments regularly feature in high-profile publications including The Times, The Financial Times, Financial Management, Forbes, the CFO Magazine, the Huffington Post and the Wall Street Journal. Bernard is an avid tweeter and the writer of regular columns for LinkedIn Pulse.

He has written a number of seminal books and hundreds of high-profile reports and articles. This includes the best-sellers Big Data: Using SMART Big Data, Analytics and Metrics to Make Better Decisions and Improve Performance, Key Business Analytics: The 60+ Business Analysis ...

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