
I would like to thank all those who helped me to make this book a reality. It was a long journey and a wonderful learning and growing experience.

Patrick Hall, thank you for your validation of my ideas and contributing many of your own. I appreciate that I could discuss ideas and trends with you and get thoughtful, timely, and useful feedback.

Joseph Pingenot, Ilknur Kabul, Jorge Silva, Larry Lewis, Susan Haller, and Wendy Czika, thank you for sharing your domain knowledge and passion for analytics.

Michael Wallis, thank you for your help in the text analytics area and developing the Jeopardy! example.

Udo Sglavo and Taiyeong Lee, thank you for reviewing and offering significant contributions in the analysis of times series data mining.

Barbara Walters and Vicki Jones, thank you for all the conversations about reads and feeds in understanding how the hardware impacted the software.

Jared Peterson for his help in downloading the data from my Nike+ FuelBand.

Franklin So, thank you for your excellent description of a customer’s core business problem.

Thank you Grandma Catherine Coyne, who sacrificed many hours to help a fellow author in editing the manuscript to greatly improve its readability. I am very grateful for your help and hope that when I am 80-something I can be half as active as you are.

I would also like to thank the staff of SAS Press and John Wiley & Sons for the feedback and support through all phases of this project, including some major detours ...

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