

Accelerated leadership development, 49

Accenture (Andersen Consulting), 20, 29, 39

Accounting firms: career path in, 47; facilitated mentoring model of, 8691. See also RINA Accountancy Corporation

Achievement motivation, 131, 196

Ackerman, C., 19

Acquisition, 104

Acting, theatrical, 1718

Addison, R., 5051

Administration: cost of, 45, 5960; of cross-functional mentoring, 4445, 112; of mentoring program, 4445

Administrative skills, in coordination team, 157

Advertising, of facilitated mentoring process, 4344, 112, 126, 157

Advisee, 15. See also Protégé

Adviser, 12

Advisory board, 158159

Affirmative action, 2425, 30

African Americans, 25, 197

AGConsulting, 18

Agee, B., 192

Aggressive behaviors, 200

Aging workforce, 2627

Agreement ...

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