2 × 2 contingency table
a contingency table having one variable with two possible values and one outcome with two possible values.
2 × 5 contingency table
a contingency table having one variable with two possible values and one outcome with five possible values.
Alternative hypothesis
in a hypothesis test, the claim you accept as true only if you have enough evidence in the data to reject the null hypothesis.
Anderson–Darling test
a hypothesis test to determine if a sample conforms to a specific probability distribution, the normal distribution in particular.
Anomaly detection
the process of identifying outliers or other unusual observations.
a measure of the central value in a set of observations. Also called a sample mean. Calculated by adding all the values and dividing by the sample size.
Bimodal distribution
a split frequency distribution, where observations are clustered around each of two central values.
Binomial distribution
a probability distribution describing the number of successes in a fixed set of independent trials.
in a study, the process of collecting data in groups, where each group is as homogeneous as possible; a sampling technique to minimize the impact of potentially confounding factors.
a data-based method for assessing the accuracy of an estimate, whether it’s the variance, bias, or a confidence interval. Based on resampling.
A graphical representation of a five-number summary, illustrating the minimum, ...

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