Microsoft has put a significant investment into the life-cycle management for apps in the new cloud app model. One of the investments is to enable you, the developer, to tap into three key events in your app’s life cycle: when your app has been installed, when your app is uninstalling, and when your app is upgraded. By writing remote event receivers for when these app-level events fire, you can provide invaluable information back to your own service endpoints. You can track and analyze the install, upgrade, and uninstall your app worldwide from the SharePoint store.

Creating app-level events is just like creating a normal RER. These events are functionally equivalent and coded exactly like the SharePoint-level remote event receivers, including synchronous and asynchronous processing options, and they can use OAuth for authentication or S2S when behind the firewall. However, because the steps to create app-level remote event receivers differ from how to create SharePoint-level remote event receivers, the following Try It Out provides guidance on creating these app-level remote event receivers.

TRY IT OUT: Wiring Up App-level Life-Cycle Remote Event Receivers
For this exercise you will use the C12DocLibRERO365 Visual Studio solution from the previous Try It Out to examine how to include app-level events in your app for SharePoint.
1. Run Visual Studio 2012 as Administrator and open the C12DocLibRERO365 solution.
2. Click ...

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