The new app model for Office opens up opportunities for developers to use standard web technologies to develop a new class of applications called Apps for Office and provides a broader opportunity across devices and hardware platforms to land productivity solutions. These solutions can then be made available to end-users worldwide via the store or through established direct sales channels that a software provider may already have with customers.

The JavaScript object model that enables the new app model is unlike its predecessors, VBA and VSTO, in that it does not seek to enable any automation of the Office client itself. The JSOM enables you to access the power of the Web in your web application and interact with the document or mail item within an end-user’s working context. This is where productivity gains can happen.

Lastly, there are a number of deployment models for Apps for Office. These apps can be discovered within the Office client UI as a user navigates to the Office Store, a corporate network share, or via an enterprise’s Apps for Office catalog location on SharePoint. Apps for Office can also be nested within an app for SharePoint where they are accessible only within the AppWeb context, but can be a key part of composite, point productivity solutions. These composite apps can of course be delivered via the Office Store. Visit the MSDN site for developer guidance to get set up with an Office 365 Developer tenancy and the process ...

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