Building solutions that communicate with a remote system always hinges on that system providing great remote API support. SharePoint 2013 builds on the foundation laid in SharePoint 2010 and brings full support for the highly popular Internet API standards REST and OData. This offers developers new opportunities to interact with SharePoint like never before.

For those who are developing systems in .NET or Windows Phone, that same support is extended with the Managed Client-Side Object Model and Windows Phone CSOM to wrap the underlying protocol calls for you. It also adds out-of-the-box support for batching requests so that you don’t need to think as much about ensuring your app performs the best it can.

For those building SharePoint apps, the CSOM is fully embraced because the JavaScript CSOM brings the benefits of batching and filtered results with the ease of the CSOM wrappers. Whether you are building a SharePoint-hosted App or a Provider-hosted app you can take advantage of these benefits to interact with SharePoint.

Finally, SharePoint 2013 has a robust and wide array of API coverage across the product, not just the list and data APIs in the previous release.

All of these improvements together provide a comprehensive and sophisticated API set that should meet the needs of almost all who want to interact with SharePoint remotely. All are conveniently located at _Api and based on open and documented standards over Internet standard protocols.

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