© Magnus Lie Hetland 2017

Magnus Lie Hetland, Beginning Python, 10.1007/978-1-4842-0028-5_23

23. Project 4: In the News

Magnus Lie Hetland

(1)Trondheim, Norway

The Internet is replete with news sources in many forms, including newspapers, video channels, blogs and podcasts, to name a few. Some of these also provide services, such as RSS or Atom feeds, that let you retrieve the latest news using relatively simple code, without having to parse their web pages. In this project, we’ll be exploring a mechanism that predates the Web: the Network News Transfer Protocol (NNTP) . We’ll go from a simple prototype without any form of abstraction (no functions, no classes) to a generic system in which some important abstractions have been added. We’ll be using ...

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