© Magnus Lie Hetland 2017

Magnus Lie Hetland, Beginning Python, 10.1007/978-1-4842-0028-5_16

16. Testing, 1-2-3

Magnus Lie Hetland

(1)Trondheim, Norway

How do you know that your program works? Can you rely on yourself to write flawless code all the time? Meaning no disrespect, I would guess that’s unlikely. It’s quite easy to write correct code in Python most of the time, certainly, but chances are your code will have bugs.

Debugging is a fact of life for programmers—an integral part of the craft of programming. However, the only way to get started debugging is to run your program. Right? And simply running your program might not be enough. If you have written a program that processes files in some way, for example, you will need some files to run ...

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