
This is the part of the book that most people skip over since it usually lists a bunch of names that most people have never heard before, so before you can skip over this page, I'd like to thank you for buying (or at least reading) this book. If you're interested in learning to program a computer, you've already separated yourself from the masses who are ecstatic when they can just get their computer to work in the first place. As a programmer, you have the power to control how people may use computers in the future, and this power can give you the chance to help others or make someone completely helpless in their agony when trying to use a computer, so use your programming skills wisely.

On another note, this book owes part of its existence to Bill Gladstone and Margot Hutchison at Waterside Productions and another part of its existence to Katie Feltman at Wiley Publishing for turning this project into reality. Some other people who helped shape this project include Pat O'Brien and Vince McCune.

I also want to acknowledge all the stand-up comedians I've worked with over the years including Darrell Joyce (, Leo "the Man, the Myth, the Legend" Fontaine, Chris Clobber, Bob Zany (, Russ Rivas (, Don Learned, Dante, and Dobie "The Uranus King" Maxwell. Another round of thanks goes to Steve Schirripa (who appeared in HBO's hit show "The Sopranos") for giving me my break in performing at the Riviera Hotel and Casino ...

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