Number of Weeks Between Two Dates (WEEKS)

Syntax: WEEKS(t1; t2; Week_Type)

The WEEKS function calculates the number of weeks between two dates, either in weekly intervals (0) or in calendar weeks (1). For example:

=WEEKS(DATE(2010; 1; 15); DATE(2010; 2; 1); 0)

returns 2, because the difference between these two dates is less than the length of three full weeks (21 days), and

=WEEKS(DATE(2010; 1; 15); DATE(2010; 2; 1); 1)

returns 3, because in calendar terms in February we think of January 15 as being three weeks ago.


Figure 12-16. Sample result of the WEEKS function

You can give WEEKS the date in a more natural format:

=WEEKS("1/15/2010"; ...

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