11.3. Looking at Event Programming

Regardless of which language you decide to use, scripting or managed code, you need to understand how event programming works. Most applications created for the Windows platform use event programming to enable developers to capture events that occur and create routines to perform tasks based on those events.

11.3.1. What Is an Event?

In Windows, events occur when a user clicks a button, data is entered in a field, or a key is pressed. Windows applications also have their own set of events that can be programmed against, so that developers can control their applications. The object model of an application will include the available events in a development environment such as InfoPath. Object models will be discussed in the next couple of chapters, but for now take a look at the available events created for your use in InfoPath forms.

11.3.2. InfoPath Events

As with other development environments, InfoPath has some built-in events that can be utilized to perform tasks when triggered. The following table outlines those events.

Event NameDescription of When Event Occurs
OnAfterChangeAfter you have changed the XML document that is bound to a form.
OnAfterImportAfter data has been import or merged into a form.
OnBeforeChangeBefore changes are made to the XML document bound to the form.
OnClickWhen a command button is clicked on a form.
OnContextChangeWhen moving from one element on a form to another. An example is moving from one field to another.
OnLoad ...

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