FIRST, I WANT TO THANK JOANNA for being an incredibly supportive wife, whom I have known for 12 years, and is still the most intelligent person I know. Jo is a real-life “firefighter” and has helped me to accomplish this book, every step of the way. Thank you for your patience and understanding as I worked to finish the book at all kinds of crazy hours. And thank you for taking care of all the things that would have been a distraction to me. And no, I don't mean LO. I love you.

Olivia, mummy and daddy love you lots. You have been a true inspiration over the 18 months since you came into our world. Thank you for being an angel.

I want to thank everyone at Wrox and Wiley for all their support. Thank you for sticking with the changes, especially when the volume of updates brought in for iOS seemed mega!

Thank you to the former Wiley acquisition editor Scott Meyers, for bringing the book to the attention of executive editor Robert Elliot. Bob, many thanks for your support and overall steer.

I would also like to say a big thank you to project editors William Bridges and John Sleeva, copy editor Kim Cofer, production editor Becca Anderson, editorial manager Mary Beth Wakefield, and technical editor Darren Osadchuk, for all your contributions and for helping the book become ship-shape.

Finally, many thanks to my family and friends, for the love and support they gave me while I was writing this book.


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