6.7. Exercises

  1. What's the difference between an <asp:ContentPlaceHolder> and an <asp:Content> control? In what type of page do you use which one?

  2. How do you hook up an <asp:Content> control in a content page to the <asp:ContentPlaceHolder> in the master page?

  3. Imagine you have created a skin that gets applied to all buttons in your site with the following skin definition:

    <asp:Button runat="server" CssClass="MyButton" />

    The imaginary CSS class MyButton sets the background color of the button to white and the foreground color to black. To draw attention to a specific button in a page, you decide to give it a red background instead. Which options do you have to control the look of this single button?

  4. Explain the differences between setting the Theme property and the StyleSheetTheme property for a page.

  5. Name three different ways to set the Theme property for a page and explain the differences between the options.

  6. What's the main reason for implementing a base page in your web site?

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