3.6. Exercises

  1. What is the main benefit of using an external style over embedded style sheets?

  2. Write a CSS rule that changes the appearance of all headings at level one (h1) in your page to the following:

    • The heading uses an Arial font face.

    • The heading should be blue.

    • The heading must have a font size of 18 pixels.

    • The heading has a blue, thin border at the top and left sides.

    For the last requirement, check out VWD's IntelliSense list in a CSS file to discover another shorthand version for the border property.

  3. Which of the two following rules is easier to reuse across pages in your web site? Can you explain why?

      border: 1px solid blue;
      border: 1px solid blue;
  4. VWD allows you to attach an external style sheet to a page in a number of different ways. Can you name three different options to do this?

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