A.9. Chapter 9

A.9.1. Exercise 1 solution

set eCancel to −128
set eBadNumber to −1700

set OKtoExit to false

repeat while not OKtoExit
     display dialog "Enter a number" default answer "0"
     set theNumber to text returned of result as integer
     set OKtoExit to true
  on error errorMsg number errorNum
     if errorNum is eCancel then
         display dialog "Are you sure you want to Cancel?" buttons {"Yes", "No"} ¬
                default button "No"
         if button returned of result is "Yes" then
             set OKtoExit to true
         end if
     else if errorNum is eBadNumber then
         display dialog "You entered a bad number, try running the program again" ¬
                buttons {"OK"} with icon stop
         display dialog "Error: " & errorMsg
     end if
  end try
end repeat

A.9.2. Exercise 2 solution

The answer to Exercise 1 also satisfies this problem. You may want to just change the message about running the program again because it no longer applies.

A.9.3. Exercise 3 solution

--  handler to get an integer from the user

global eCancel
global eBadNumber
set eCancel to −128 set eBadNumber to −1700 on getInteger(promptString, min, max) set OKtoExit to false repeat while not OKtoExit try display dialog promptString default answer (min as string) set theNumber to text returned of result as integer if min is not missing value and theNumber < min then display dialog "The value must be greater than or equal to " & ¬ min as string buttons {"OK"} default button 1 else if max is not missing value and theNumber > max then display dialog "The value must be less than or equal ...

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