Once you have signed your APK files, you need a way to get them onto your users’ devices. The following sections describe the various ways to deploy your APK files. Three methods are covered:

  • Deploying manually using the adb.exe tool
  • Hosting the application on a web server
  • Publishing through the Android Market

Besides these methods, you can install your applications on users’ devices through e-mails, SD card, and so on. As long as you can transfer the APK file onto the user’s device, you can install the application.

Using the adb.exe Tool

Once your Android application is signed, you can deploy it to emulators and devices using the adb.exe (Android Debug Bridge) tool (located in the platform-tools folder of the Android SDK).

Using the command prompt in Windows, navigate to the <Android_SDK>\platform-tools folder. To install the application to an emulator/device (assuming the emulator is currently up and running or a device is currently connected), issue the following command:

adb install "C:\Users\Wei-Meng Lee\Desktop\LBS.apk"


The adb.exe tool is a very versatile tool that enables you to control Android devices (and emulators) connected to your computer.

By default, when you use the adb command, it assumes that currently there is only one connected device/emulator. If you have more than one device connected, the adb command returns an error message:

error: more than one device and emulator

You can view the devices currently connected ...

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